Turkey and the influx of foreign investment ahead
Turkish and foreign investors said that after some international companies began directing their production and investments to Turkey

Turkey and the influx of foreign investment ahead
Turkish and foreign investors said that after some international companies began directing their production and investments to Turkey. Turkey will be the focus of attention and activity in the coming period for European investors who will increase the volume of their investments.
In the recent period, international companies operating in various sectors such as furniture and textiles, as well as pharmaceuticals and packaging. Turning its eyes towards Turkey, it has already started its production and investments in Turkey. Especially after the occurrence of major disruptions in the course of global trade.
With the start of the economic recovery phase, it caused disruptions that affected production chains. Especially in Asian countries, a deficit in the face of growing demand.
Increasing foreign investments in Turkey
Led by the famous Swedish furniture company IKEA and Polish clothing company LPP. Many European companies have shifted their supply centers to closer and more established ones such as Turkey ، Also, foreign companies include Boehringer Ingelheim and DW Reusables, an international company headquartered in Belgium ، said Marek Novakowski, President of the Turkish-Polish Chamber of Commerce.
Novakovsky added to Deniz Turkey Network: “In the last phase, Turkey witnessed the creation of a group of foreign direct investments. from the European Union, as well as investments from all over the world ، At the beginning of the sectors that will see the participation of Polish investors there are the chemical sectors related to the automotive and construction sectors ،
These railways are very important and they have been able to significantly develop the infrastructure, making huge differences ، According to Novakovsky, in addition to the above, the two countries are preparing. Turkey and Poland, for the opening of a railway aimed at providing more logistical support to companies operating in the two countries.
Investors focus on Turkey:
This was stated by the representative of the Polish-Turkish Chamber of Commerce, Koray Akoğlu. Polish investors are also showing interest in the medical equipment and cosmetics sectors ، Some Polish companies are planning to open chain stores and even production lines in Turkey. It is well known that Turkey’s market has reached many times the size of the Polish market. So the next step is to invest in it.
Akcaloglu stated that a video conference will be held this month, which will bring together several officials. One of the cosmetic companies operating in Turkey and Poland ، Polish investors and operating companies want to strengthen their areas of activity in the Turkish market. And export their products to the Middle East and North Africa and even to the countries of the Near and Far East because they know and know the strength of Turkey. and its strong economy in the Middle Eastern markets.”
increasing pace:
said Tugrul Charmet, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Turkey, Belgium and Luxembourg. DW Reusables is an international company based in Belgium. Its headquarters recently announced that it has made direct investments in Turkey ، Sharmat added that the turmoil in the global supply chain after the Corona epidemic.
He pointed out that the investment movement in Turkey will witness positive developments in the next stage. And that these developments will positively affect the volume of foreign trade ، He pointed out the problems plaguing the global supply chain and container supply industry. It prompted foreign companies to look for alternative sources in nearby geographic areas.
Turkey economic advantages for investors:
said Kadir Kurtulç, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Russian-Turkish Chamber of Commerce. Turkey offers many economic advantages to investors. Like its geopolitical location ، He said that Turkey, with its well-known capabilities and privileged position, also provides a safe place to send energy resources to European countries.
And that its geographical location has a positive effect on the lower value of freight and therefore the value of the cost ، Kurtulsch explained that there are currently approximately 2,130 companies with Russian capital operating in Turkey. And that cooperation between the two countries has increased in parallel with the continuation of cooperation in many fields.
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