The Turkish language when did it first originate?
In an article recently published by the international magazine “Nature”, it was stated that the origin of the Altese language family

The Turkish language when did it first originate?
In an article recently published by the international magazine “Nature”, it was stated that the origin of the Altese language family, of which Turkish is an indigenous part. Its history goes back to farmers who lived in Northeast Asia about 9 thousand years ago. When did the Turkish language originate and when was it first spoken? In this article. Planned by Deniz Network Turkey, we will know the answer to this question together.
When was the Turkish language spoken for the first time?
According to the article published in the famous scientific journal “Nature”, one of the leading scientific journals in the world of science. Researchers report that their genetic and archaeological studies of languages belonging to the Altaic language family have come to the following conclusion. That is, this language family was used by farmers living in the Liao Valley in what is now China 9,000 years ago.
Spoken by about 3% of the world’s population, the Turkic language is a branch of the Ural-Altian language family attributed to the Altai Mountains in Central Asia.
Besides Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, there are five other countries that recognize Turkish languages and dialects as their official languages. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
According to another study by Şükrü Haluk Akalın, former president of the Turkish Language Association (TDK). It is reported that among a total of 6,912 languages are spoken worldwide. Turkish is among the five most widely used languages.
9 thousand years after speaking Turkish
According to the information contained in the article published by “Nature” magazine. It can be said that the Turkish language may have appeared in large areas of Northeast Asia about 9 thousand years ago.
Based on an examination of the names given to agricultural products such as tools, fruits and vegetables in the Bronze Age. The study examined the “common” ages of languages belonging to the Altaic language family and their causes.
The study was based not only on the study of common grammatical structures and vocabulary of languages belonging to the same family. But also on using the names of grain products as the main criterion. As well as studying the tools used in practical life at that time. During the transition from the Bronze Age to the Agricultural Age.
And based on the latest methods used in studying the science and roots of languages in recent times. Plant names in Turkish, Japanese, Korean, and other Aleut languages were examined for proximity, distance, sound, and structure. The study concluded that the Turkish language, which originated from the period of oral culture, has been promoted since ancient times.
What is meant by “language family”?
The term “language family” refers to a group of languages with the same stylistic features, such as grammatical patterns. Although these changes occurred over time due to various reasons such as culture, geography and history. Except that it actually had a common structure centuries or even thousands of years ago, like the Turkish language today.
For example, the languages belonging to such families were the Indo-European language family, and the Altaic language family. The Semitic language family is the only languages in the past before becoming independent languages by making changes in sound and structure over time. However, they bear the same linguistic traces even today regarding a common ancestor in antiquity.
If we take the word (door) in the family of Indo-European languages as an example, we see that the word is derived from the word (dwer) which means door in the pre-Indo-European language and was developed in Europe today. Languages must be in German (genre), English (door) and French (der).
To which language family does Turkish belong?
Other members of this family are the Mongolian language, the Manchu-Tungus language, the Korean language, as well as the Japanese language.
In prehistoric times, in addition to languages belonging to the Altaic language family, the Turkic language was adjacent to the Chinese, Uralic and Eskimo languages of the north.
In known historical periods, the Turkish language entered into linguistic relations with Chinese, Indian, Tibetan and even Greek since the eighth century AD. After the Turks arrived in Persia and Asia Minor after the 10th century, the greatest linguistic influence was Persian and Arabic.
During the Ottoman period, the Turkish language was one of the most culturally interactive languages in all parts of the world due to the vastness of its geographical area and the diversity of peoples and languages. During the Ottoman rule of that period, words were also exchanged with languages such as Italian, Greek, Latin, and Hungarian.
Today, the Turkish language is easy to speak and understand among Turkish countries, in the member states of the Turkic Cooperation Council such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan (Turkish-speaking countries). The same applies to the Uyghur minority in China, because the differences between these languages are very minor, while they are very similar.
Read also : Learn Turkish for free and get one step closer to realizing your dream of traveling to study in Turkey