Fish diet to get rid of fat..less solid and healthier
The fish diet has a strong protective effect against colorectal cancers and also reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.

Fish diet to get rid of fat..less solid and healthier
The fish diet has a strong protective effect against colorectal cancers and also reduces the risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
A few days ago, Insider revealed that 49-year-old American football star Nick Bosa. He has the lowest body fat percentage (3%) of any member of the team despite weighing 266 lbs (about 120 kg). The secret to getting his body back in shape and gaining most of his weight from muscle, Bosa said. Instead of fat is to follow a high protein diet and focus on fish.
This was confirmed by other colleagues, including the NBA star. The 33-year-old is Kevin Love and Pro Paul (24 years old). And who said that his dependence on fish as an important source of protein helped him avoid injuries and preserve his energy.
They all attribute this to a diet that replaces meat with fish, called the “Peskatarian Diet.” which appeared in the early nineties.
A vegetarian diet prefers fish
Malia Fry, certified nutrition and fitness therapist warns. It is important to consult a healthcare professional or certified dietitian before embarking on a new healthy diet. Before making any attempt to implement a diet program.” Because there is no one-size-fits-all diet.
As for the fish diet, it is a diet known as “pisco vegetarians”. Or vegetarians who sometimes add fish and seafood (and possibly eggs and dairy products as well) to their diets. Or at every meal ، Studies show that vegetarians rank better “in terms of nutritional quality” than people who eat meat.
The term vegetarian diet came from a combination of the Italian word “pesce,” meaning fish, and “vegetarian.” To refer to a plant-based diet that includes getting protein and omega-3 fatty acids from fish and seafood. Plus many vitamins and minerals from vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and high-fiber foods, according to certified expert Chrissy Carroll.
Since fish is an important source of protein in both diets, focus on lean foods. However, there is a big difference as a moderate amount of red meat is allowed in the Mediterranean diet.
Least Strict Diet
The fish diet is not a weight loss program, but a lifestyle for those who prefer a less strict diet. It features a flexible nutrition plan to include a variety of compatible foods. without specific restrictions on quantity and calories; You can have main meals and snacks whenever and as often as you like. In this diet, the number of calories you need depends on your goals. Whether you want to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight.
If you want to lose weight, says Fry. Along with regular exercise and avoiding overeating. You need to control your portions to keep calories and fat low.
This can happen when you replace meat-based meals with fish-based meals. Which cuts calories and fats from your diet. Adding seafood also makes it easier to get enough protein.
According to the US Food and Drug Administration، and check mercury levels in the fish they eat. Especially swordfish, mackerel and tuna.
Pescatarian health benefits
Fish is considered one of the foods rich in health benefits because it is low in saturated fat. It is rich in important nutrients such as high-quality protein, iodine, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Which is very important for a healthy diet.
Others take a supplement in capsule form to get the recommended daily amount of omega-3. All you need to do to reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke is add fish to your meals. With other healthy foods.
A large study spanning more than 10 years showed that fish pescatarians. They had a 22 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease compared to eating meat regularly.
A study published in 2015 also showed that a fish diet has a strong protective effect against colorectal cancers، These include conditions such as insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and obesity. This was supported by a study that found that women who followed a plant-based diet gained 2.5 pounds (1.1 kg) each year, less than women who ate meat.
Another study showed that those who followed a fish diet had a 4.8% lower risk of developing diabetes, compared to meat eaters who had a 7.6% lower risk.
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