
Learn about the latest regulations and laws for travel and tourism in Turkey

The Turkish government responded quickly by taking many preventive measures to combat the Corona virus that swept the world

Learn about the latest regulations and laws for travel and tourism in Turkey

The Turkish government responded quickly by taking many preventive measures to combat the Corona virus that swept the world, and the scientific institution of the Turkish Ministry of Health has always strengthened and updated the preventive measures to be followed.

The Turkish government responded quickly and effectively by taking many preventive measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic that affected Turkey and the whole world, and the Scientific Institution of the Ministry of Health has always strengthened and updated the preventive measures to be followed. It is proportional to the rate of spread of the virus and the mutations that occur in it.

The precautionary measures that Turkey strictly followed ensured the continuation of travel back and forth to and from the country to a large extent, and compensated for the decision to complete closure and restrict or stop international flights, as was the case in some countries ، The Turkish government, through all its ministries, is constantly striving to update the preventive measures to ensure a safe travel and residence environment, not only for its citizens, but for all visitors to the country for tourism, leisure or business. and the study.

Announcement regarding the measures taken to bring Turkey within the scope of the measures taken to combat the spread of the Corona virus ، Earlier this month, the Turkish government, represented by the Ministries of Health, Interior, Transport and Tourism, announced new packages of procedures to be followed as well as updated restrictions and conditions for visitors and travelers wishing to enter Turkey. You must meet the area.

Alternatives to PCR Test

According to a document published by the Turkish Embassy in Kuwait as of June 1, PCR inspection procedures have been updated for all passengers coming to Turkey from all land

Travelers arriving in Turkey from all countries (except Egypt, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, South Africa, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, UK and Singapore) will not be required to test if the PCR test is negative. A document showing that you received the vaccination at least 14 days before or a document showing that you recovered from Covid 19 within 6 months of your entry into Turkey

If it is not possible to present a vaccination certificate or a document proving that they have recovered from the disease upon entry to Turkey, a PCR examination report or a negative fasting report will be requested at most 72 hours before entry. Your Antigen test result will be available within a maximum of 48 hours after arrival ، Some passengers may undergo a random PCR examination by the Ministry of Health upon their arrival in Turkey ، Aircrews, ships and truck drivers will be exempted from the PCR review procedure.

Restaurants open their doors

While the strict measures followed by Turkish official institutions contributed to limiting the spread of the COVID-19 virus and limiting infection, during the comprehensive ban imposed by the government for nearly three weeks between April 29 and May 17, the number of people infected with the COVID-19 virus doubled. The virus has decreased significantly.

The decrease in the number of infected people and the increase in the frequency of vaccination and vaccination against the virus led to the end of the comprehensive ban and the relaxation of the partial ban in force throughout Turkey for several months. It is updated from time to time depending on the course of infection and mutations caused by the virus.

The Turkish government announced, since the beginning of this month, the easing of the partial ban conditions in preparations for a return to normal life, allowing restaurants and cafes to open their doors to accept customers, and lifting the ban. While it was removed on Saturday, Sundays remained and the ban times were set between 22:00 and 5:00.

Safe Tourism Certificate Program

At the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism implemented the “Safe Tourism Certificate” program and required all tourist establishments to abide by the conditions and standards necessary to obtain this certificate. Permissions required to start working. These measures are based on ensuring the health status of both visitors and employees, and compliance with the previously described standards in the transportation and hospitality phases.

Nader Alp Aslan, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, confirmed that the certificate of safe tourism applied by the Ministry of Tourism has gained international fame and has begun to be applied in some countries, adding, “The certificate will be brought to tourism in Turkey. . It is mandatory in all tourist accommodation facilities, airports and travel agencies.” He pointed out that in order to increase the value of the Turkish tourism brand globally, the certificate will be updated periodically and tourism facilities will have to work with it permanently.

At the end of this month, Turkey will finish vaccinations for all workers in the country’s tourism sector, within the framework of joint plans between the Ministries of Health and Tourism. Especially T. It is indicated that the Turkish vaccination campaign will gain great momentum next June, after the Ministry of Health announced that it will receive 120 million doses of the “Biontech-Pfizer” vaccine, 100 million doses of “Sinovac” and 50 million doses of “Sputnik”.

Read also : Learn Turkish for free and get one step closer to realizing your dream of traveling to study in Turkey

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